“I disregard the proportions, the measures, the tempo of the ordinary world. I refuse to live in the ordinary world as ordinary women, To enter ordinary relationships. I want ecstasy.”
I’m always on the brink of something — a border, a theory, a lover. Perhaps it comes from my spending so much time en pointe, a figure toned in tightly laced ballet slippers, always hinting at the risk of falling. And fall we might, into love, new experiences, perhaps into ourselves, plumbing our deepest depths for the pearl of truth we can hold to the light. Ah, we might say, this is what I’ve been looking for – that joie de vivre.
Maybe you crave that connection, that moment where we slow down, where time almost seems to stop. You understand that life isn’t about acquiring expensive objects — you value time more than the timepiece. You value experiences. Maybe that’s why you’re so drawn here, curious about more than just touch and intimacy (though you’ll find plenty of that with me as well). Curiosity leaves us wanting more. You want more. I want more. I crave the infinite possibilities inside everybody, how we interweave our bodies to each others and the world surrounding us.
I want you to join me in this dance, this balancing act, of pleasure and passion. I want my fingers to follow your brain to your heart to the nerves on your body. Maybe there we will find the treasure map of desire, a journey we get to take together. Exploration finds answers, so let’s embark on the journey of exploring each other shall we?
I’m a born and raised Jewish New Yorker. So yes, I am direct, curious, and insatiable for experience and bright ideas. But my time abroad has honed me into something – or someone – more precise. Having been a foreigner so many times, I have a unique understanding as to what it’s like to not quite fit in. It’s not easy to adjust to new cultures, to leave behind your habits and try to blend in. Perhaps you feel this as well , an acute loneliness as you jet around the world, rushing from meeting to meeting. You want a moment to feel seen and known in that way that only another outsider can intuit.
Though I’m American, I carry a European sensibility with me as well; I know how to slow down, how to enjoy life outside of the daily grind, how to take a two hour lunch, guilt free. Red wine, long walks, prioritizing pleasure. I view this not as an indulgence, but as a necessity—after all, we all know what all work and no play results in. This balancing act has been my personal playground for the past several years, as I navigate a rich academic life and a jet-setting lifestyle. I’m a fully accredited sexologist, but I’ve also lived in 6 countries and on 3 continents, collecting languages and passports along the way – and I haven’t even hit 30 yet. When I’m not spending time in Paris working on my PhD, I split my time between Dallas and Austin. You’ll find me in Europe for half the year, and state-side for the other half. I’ve encompassed the earth, only to land here in your arms
Blessed with an all-natural hourglass figure with all the time in the world to learn about you; I am the bubbly coquette, the inquisitive intellect, the forward-leaning dinner companion with soft curves, drawing closer and closer to hear all the bits and pieces of your stories. I’m a researcher at heart; my curiosity knows no bounds. And yet? The mind/body problem has plagued philosophers for centuries, and we are no exception to this conundrum.
While I crave bodily challenges, I find conversation to be the ultimate aphrodisiac. This is exactly why I got my masters of science in sexology. Sexuality is at the core of human nature. And while it may be fervently pursued, it is little understood. Examining what makes us, well, us from a variety of academic frameworks leaves me with an ability to steer conversation in any direction. Studying the science of sex has left me with a keen intuition, a greater understanding of human nature, and even lead me to offer sex coaching. And yet? The more I learn, the more I yearn for play.
Sexology is like the galaxy we find ourselves entrenched in. The stars that surround us. The particles that make their way through the space-time continuum, ultimately finding their way back to us. It is both everywhere and nowhere, meeting in one space to become something – anything our heart desires. Just like the elements in the air the elements of possibility, are boundlessly akin to passion.
But what about the carnal, you ask? While I may be slightly complicated, I invite you to be simple. Let your passion become my pleasure. Let’s bring fantasy to flesh. Theory to practice. What you’ll find with me is a wide world of intimacy, a curious appetite fed by each interest I discover in you. I’m an expert at drawing out your secret desires, the ones you may not even know you have, the ones that, fulfilled, leave you breathless. I aim for us both to shuck the oyster of our inner fears, and find, yes, that pearl I mentioned. No insecurities, no qualms, just us, together. At last.
Perhaps we may even, at last, finally solve the mind/body problem…